living room ideas kmart

hey guys, it’s ro! i’m gonna be makinga dog haul video today. the last one i made, i think was about a yearago. so this is gonna be my second dog haul. because i get so many questions from you guysabout how cookie is doing? what toys is she playing with? i thought i would share the dog haul videowith you guys. so, let’s start with toys! the first toy that i got for cookie is a humungastache mini. this one is for small dogs, and right on thefront it looks like a mustache
and in the back it’s a little ball,so that when the dog holds it in their mouth it looks like they have a mustache! just a side note, i found this gift at healthyspot and i’ll put links down below to where i found everything. this hasn’t been used yet, so i can showyou what it looks like when i use it! the second toy…. i couldn’t resist, these are so cute! i found these online, they’re by the companyhaute diggity dog! and they’re 2 plushy squeaky toys, and i knowi said i wouldn’t get a squeaky
toy for cookie, but, these were too cute! look, it says “starbarks frenchie roastâ€! so those were the toys that she got this week, nowlet’s talk travel! i love to travel with cookie, i bring herin the car to meetings, or when i run errands, sometimes i just bring herto the cafe when i have lunch. and, i’m always taking her on walks, so i’malways looking for really good travel stuff, and i’ve been meaning to get these for avery long time, i don’t know why it took me a year to get these. but, pop outtravel bowls. they are collapsible travel cups by popware for pets.
i found these in the store at healthy spot,and, i am so happy i got these. you guys, look at them, they’re flat soyou can put them in the car, or throw them in your purse, or even, they havethese little carabiners, so you can hook ‘em to your little dog leash.and when you’re on a walk, you can just pop out a little bowl, boop! and give your dog some water! speaking of going on walks, i got cookie anew harness, i’m gonna show you guys her old harness. not only has she kind ofoutgrown it, but, it isn’t the most breathable fabric, it kind of traps in moisture.
and this part that goes around her leg isnot in any way bad for her, but it’s not the most comfortable it kindof has a harsh edge. and i wanted something really soft, reallybreathable, so when i was at the store i looked for a harness that wouldbe a lot comfier. and i found this one! the brand is puppia, i love these harnesses,i think they are my favorite dog harnesses. they’re all breathable material,this is something i would want to wear every day, so i said if i would want to wear it, cookie would like it. looking good!
cookie’s jealous i’m wearing her outfit. the third travel item that i got is actually2 things. because, some dogs are great swimmers, butcookie… is not! she’s a french bulldog, and most frenchbulldogs are not great swimmers, some of them actually can’t swim at all.but cookie loves the water, and she can swim, i just want to feel safe when she’sin the water. so, i got her 2 life vests, the first lifejacket that i got is a little bit smaller, the floaties are all around the top. i like the life vests with the handle on thetop, because say you’re out
paddle boarding with your dog, you’re going,you’re going and the doggie wants to jump in and swim around. when it’stime to go you can just pick her up, put her back on the board. the second life vest that i got her is a littlemore heavy duty, it’s for when she wants to go swimming in openwater. this one has a lot more flotation in the frontto hold up her head, which is really important, and it has more foamall around. so that if there’s a lot of waves, it’s just keeping her afloat, she’s just getting the extra support sheneeds!
that’s it for travel stuff, now somethingkind of random. i got this, this is the one that i like touse. it’s called the comfy cone, for whenever your pet needs a cone. you know,the medical cone. usually when you go to the vet they give youa hard plastic cone to put around their neck. and i really likethis one, i came across it a few months ago, it’s more foamy, it’smore comfortable, and i noticed that cookie liked to sleep in it more. so this is just one of my favorite things. and if your dog is recovering or sleepingand you want it to have a little
less structure, to make it even comfier for them,what you can do is remove these bones right here. it’s just a plastic bone,and they’re right in between each of the foam, so you can remove a coupleto make it easier to sleep. maybe i’m an over protective dog mom, butanything that i give cookie i like to try myself. i like to make sure, doesthis feel good? yeah. to help cookie stay clean, i got her somenew shampoos, both of these are organic oatmeal shampoos. and they are fordogs with itchy or sensitive skin. the french bulldog breed usually has sensitiveskin, and cookie is no exception!
she does have sensitive skin, so wheneveri’m giving her a bath or we do a little, like, dog shower. where i sing this song: ðÿžµwelcome to the dog wash! the dog washyeah! welcome to the dog wash!ðÿžµ this one is just a shampoo and it comesin a cute little dog bone bottle. and you just take off the top. and it hasa little pump! one thing i really liked about this brandis it was made with no animal testing. the other one i got is called comfy dog, andit is a shampoo and conditioner and it really makes her fur smell good! i know it’s an oatmeal but it just smellsso good, it’s one of my favorites.
last but not least i got some treats for cookie.i was looking for some wholesome treats. these ones are by earthfamily and they are wild salmon wrapped around organic sweet potato! cookie loves sweet potatoes, they may be oneof her favorite treats. i made her like, little biscuits with thembefore and she loves them. so, i found this interesting, i also liked, i read the backand the ingredients are, salmon, organic sweet potato, brown rice flour,organic eggs and olive oil. alright, that is everything that i got forthis dog haul. let me know in the comments down below ifthere are any cool dog products
that i don’t know about that cookie mightlike! and, also let me know if there are any othertypes of videos that you would like to see. i hope you enjoyed this haul, bye-bye youguys! cookie said she was gonna help me with thevideo but then she slept the whole time!