kitchen renovation cost saving ideas

kitchen renovation cost saving ideas

hi i'm tim gipson and i'm going to talk toyou about some cheap remodeling ideas. now whenever we look at remodeling typically inbathrooms or kitchens depending on the scope of work that you are doing you can spend alittle bit of money or you can spend a whole lot of money and typical bathrooms or fullkitchen renovations can run several thousand dollars but some cheap things to look at andto really get a new updated look without having to spend a lot of money and the best thingyou can look at is actually refreshening the paint so in this particular room here thisroom has come in and we put a fresh new coat of paint on it and there is something aboutfresh paint that just gives you a whole new look to the room and particularly if you lookat colors and there is actually different

styles of paint that you can do. you can eitherdo a regular paint job like this or it is even very easy to achieve some faux finisheswhere you get some textured looks or even some marble look or a distressed type of lookon your walls can give it a really nice look. from there you can paint a room like thisfor anywhere from about $25 to $50 on a small bathroom so painting is your most basic thingto spend your money on and it won't take a lot of money to add a nice look to your room.from there we look at mirrors and fixtures so if we look right here we spent about $50on these pair of mirrors and about just a little less than $200 on the light by updating light fixtures by updating the mirrors and doing the painting you canspend just a few hundred dollars and really

get a nice new look. from there we could lookat doing fixtures, doing knobs but even on your cabinets just replacing these knobs,the knobs will run anywhere from about $1.50 to $2.00 a piece so you can update the lookjust by changing your hardware on your cabinets. so i'm tim gipson and that's some ideas onsome cheaper modeling ideas.

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