kitchen renovation ideas nz

kitchen renovation ideas nz

micheal: what we are going to do now is installour u-shaped kitchen. using the same footprint as we had before from the original, all theutilities will go back in the same place. we have our cabinets ready to install. toinstall them what we need are these tools. 1.2 meter spirit level. we have our variousdrills. we have a power plane, mallet, ruler, and clamps to hold everything together. butmost importantly, you must protect your ears and eyes. so the first thing we'll do is level the floors,the walls. and with that i'll get frank to give me a hand here, so he can help me justcheck the levels, set our lines along the wall, and start installing.

frank: so using our long 12 hundred mil spiritlevel, we're gonna use that around on the floor level, find the lowest point of thefloor. we've been using that as a straight edge. by looking for the little bubble inour spirit level, that low point is going to be around here, this part of the wall here. micheal: the cabinets are 720, and you havea 1.45 kicker. so 865 is our maximum point. we will mark that point across the wall here,and across this wall here. so now that we have that done, we'll get the first cabinetin, square it up level. we won't fix it to anything. we actually need to fix the cabinetstogether, so we're not pulling anything out of shape. so as you can see, frank's goingcorner to corner. it just makes it all nice

and square and level there. and what he willdo is actually adjust the feet, so they fit permanently onto the floor and there's nomovement. frank: yip, spot on. micheal: so what frank's doing now is settingthat level across the two cabinets, so he can still make sure it's not falling downor actually rising up. now that this is leveled, we'll go and get the next cabinet. with acouple of simple fixes this to the wall. it's not gonna go anywhere. now,because we got draw fronts and a door on this, we need to sit this back 20 mil from the faceof this. the other front face will be flush here, but this will be set back to the doorsso we get a clean line straight through. so

using our rule, 20 mil. we need make surethe bottom is the same. double clamp it, and then frank will fix it off. frank: now that we have the base cabinetsclamped together, using a drill driver with our countersink bit, i will now do those holesfor the screws. so i've put those holes both top and bottom to make sure that the 2 cabinetspull together really well. now i'm using my driver to drive those screws in. so we'veattached the end cabinet to our oven cabinet. now we're attaching the oven cabinet to ourcorner cabinet. again, as micheal talked about the 20 milliliter backspace there, we're alsogot a 20 milliliter backspace here. so now we use these clamps again, same process. nowwe'll bring in the next cabinet which goes

beside the corner cabinet. micheal: what we have to do is level it andfix it. because this cabinet has a door front on the same as the one next to it, we don'thave to have that 20 mil back set. it's already been set up by the same panel here, and bythat filling panel on the other end, so it's a nice and clean line again. frank: using the screws to pull the two basecabinets together. they're only 28 milliliters long, that way i know that they won't poketheir way all the way through the two bits of timber here. micheal: okay, we now have the next unit in,another corner unit. you'll notice these two

corners here. the walls have actually beenset back. the reason for that is, when you go into a tight corner, you won't always havea square wall. the plaster may differ for some reason. so by having these little setshere, means you can plum it up to suit. frank: so again, we've been with the littlecabinet. we've got to make sure that it's level. also making sure that the front ofthis base cabinet lines up with the front of the adjacent base cabinet as well. my levelsare good, and now we clamp them up together. yip, just might give that a bit of a tap.yip, perfect. micheal: you can see we have already fixedthe end panel here. because we knew the measurement was right, we could secure that in place beforehand. we haven't got the back panel yet, because

obviously we're just putting the last of thecabinets together. once they're fixed and secured, then we'll put this in place. nowwe've got all our cabinets fixed together, we're going to fix this to the wall. it'simperative you have this parallel inside here. so by measuring these 2 points here to makesure they're parallel, we'll get rid of that. and there we have it, that's right. that'snice and parallel. so we're now ready to start fixing it to the wall. frank: we've already located our studs here,and we've actually marked them. as we were talking earlier, we do have a bit of a gapbehind this cabinet here. so any sorts of scrap material that you can use, any scraptimber, maybe some from the old kitchen we

ripped out, we've kept a couple of piecesof that. and that will be a spacer that will go behind there. same process as before. pre-drilling,longer screws, straight into the stud. we are going to continue fixing of our cabinetsto the wall, working our way along. in this case we've actually put two fixers into thatstud, top and bottom. that way it holds both the top and the bottom, whole cabinets heldhard against the wall. well, our cabinetry is in.

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