home decorating ideas vases

home decorating ideas vases

hi my name is joel kirby and i own curly willowdesigns. i wanted to share with y'all a little bit today about quick candles fantastic productsthat i absolutely love to use and the reason that i love to use these products is becausei always work into any event that i do or anything that i do at my own personal homei work in the 3 s's. and what the 3 s's are its just how i like to approach a project.i like things to be simple, i like things to be sophisticated, and i like things tooffer me great speed. so that's kind of what really drives me to use this product. andalso it'll be a drive for you to use it in your own personal home cause it's just easyand gives you such a great look. one thing that's really great about the sets is youcan see how wonderful the glass looks it's

very clear, it's got a thick base to it. it'sreally really high quality glass which is all made here in the usa and also the candles,the 3 inch candles that float are also made in the usa so it's just a great product thatyou can feel very good about buying. one of the things that i was going to do was showy'all actually how to insert one of the 3 inch candles down into the cylinder with thewater already in it. we filled the water up to within about 4 inches of the top of thecylinder and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the floating candle and i'musing the wick and i'm going to put the candle down in there and float it. just be carefulto put it in and not let water touch the wick cause you don't want to get the wick wet.and then what we do is we light it and voila,

you have a great great great looking productthat is sophisticated, that is just an incredible look for any event that you might do or anythingyou might do in your own home. now i want to go over how the sets are actually soldand why you should buy those sets. the sets are sold in either a group of 4 and in thatgroup of 4 you get a 6 inch cylinder, you get a 7.5 inch cylinder, you get a 9 inchcylinder and then you get a 10.5 inch cylinder. these are just a wonderful wonderful way togive a great look to any kind of table that you're doing. we sell these in bulk whereyou get the candle and then you get the glassware and that's if you're doing a large event andthat comes in a set of 48. they also can be bough individually and they come in sets of12 which is a great way to actually, you know,

if you want something where you got all thesame size vase or cylinder on the same table then you can buy 12 at a time. y'all in thesecond set what i wanted to do was show you basically how you can buy this set of glasscylinders, it comes in a set of 3 and they come in a 6 inch cylinder, 7.5 inch cylinderand a 10.5 inch cylinder. they come with the floating candles that you can put down inthem and those are just a wonderful look for a single table or you can actually buy thisin bulk and get it in a set of 36 with the candles. it's just a phenomenal look for avery simple table and then also you can make it look as extravagant as you want to by puttingthings down in the vases. lastly i'd like to leave you with the 3 s's. simple, sophisticatedand speed. those are all things that quick

candles can offer you and anything that you might plan for the home or for an event. happy planning.

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