home decorating ideas with artificial flowers

home decorating ideas with artificial flowers

hi, diy mommies! today. i'm going to show you how to make a fabric flower, so in this case this is either a fabric peony or a fabric cabbage rose what you need to make these is this pattern for the petals which you can find on thediymommy.com just search for "fabric roses"; you'll find it. you need a candle. you need some thread you need scissors you need a needle and you also need some fabric. now the best fabric is polyester so that you can singe the edges of the flowers, and i like to use a polyester satin

i've also had good experiences with polyester organza you can also try fabrics like acetate lining which singes nicely or polyester lace also works really well. i have used chiffon, but i found that the petals were a bit too floppy though organza's my favorite i also like combining fabrics, so in this tutorial i'm going to combine the polyester satin with a polyester organza. let's begin alright, so what we're going to do first is cut out our petals, so we'll have to take our pattern now there's four different sizes of petals

from a small to a large size and this is what's going to make our flower realistic looking. the small petals are going to be in the center of the flower and the larger petals are going to be on the outside of the flower. okay, so we are going to cut out six of each of these four sizes so you're going to have [twenty-four] petals all together. i'm going to cut three of each size in the satin and i'm going to cut three of each size in my organza. now the trick that i use that just fold it over so that i just have three layers of fabric

now these don't have to be exact we're going to be burning and curling the edges of these petals anyway, so if there's little rough spots or [nicks] those are going to be covered up by the curling. don't worry about being too exact; don't spend too much time. now i'm going to continue with the other sizes now i cut three [each of satin and what i would now do is cut three of each of the organza [i] already have some petals from previous projects, so that's done now's the fun part. this is singeing and curling the edges of these petals, so we take a lit candle make sure that it's safe

i take - one at a time - my fabric petals, and [i'm] just going to put it close to the [lit] flame but not so close that i burn the fabric and i'm going to singe all the way around. see how that's starting to curl and singe? now, this seals the raw edge of the fabric it also makes my petals look realistic because the petal is going to curve inward. we're going to repeat that with all the petals you just do all 24 petals. this is a really relaxing project; a fantastic project to do while watching netflix. and there we go we have our

3 of each size in satin, and like i said before i already made some in the organza of all these sizes. aren't they so pretty? i think these would be beautiful as is just for a decoration sprinkle around okay, now comes the fun part we're going to sew our fabric flower together okay, to sew our fabric flower, we need our needle and thread i doubled the thread on here just to make it extra strong i am going to choose to make cabbage rose, so i'm going to start with a center that is higher up and the outsides will be lower down, and i'm also not going to gather the petals. you could gather the petals slightly to make a peony.

so first off we start with the smallest petal [i'm] going to start with a satin and then do an organza petal. satin, organza and rotate between the two i'm going to take it width-wise like this roll it up and i'm just gonna tack down the bottom with a few stitches like this one i'm going to take that same small size in organza i'm going to wrap it around

i'm going to find my seam and i'm going to wrap around that tack down that's petal number two now remember. we have six petals in each of the sizes so let's do the next one smallest petal in a satin so we're starting like i said higher in the center going down, so i'm just going down slightly wrapping it around tacking down the bottom just with some simple stitches back to the organza. this is number four that's six of our small sizes. we are high in the center going down now moving on to the next size.

wrapping it around. so we're [just] kind of overlapping the petals around each other and i ran out [of] the thread, but you can always put a knot in it like this all right, and there we go that is our finished cabbage rose made out of fabric and using a candle, a needle and thread. now if you wanted to you could add [more] petals to make a fuller rose [if] you're using these [for] a bridal bouquet it's gorgeous to have smaller roses and larger roses on various different sizes and colors [as] well if you want more details on how to make fabric flowers and other fun diys you can visit my blog thediymommy.com and

come back soon, and i'll share with you how to make a bridal bouquet with fabric flowers. thanks so much for watching

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