kitchen interior design tamilnadu

kitchen interior design tamilnadu

♪ ♪ we want to welcome you back foranother episode of the villagehome show. this show is our opportunity tonot only tell you aboutprojects going on in our area, but now we can show you theentire process from start tofinish. on the village home show youcan expect to see projects ofvarious sizes, budgets andstyles, and we know there's somethingfor everyone to take away fromeach story we tell here on theshow. the team at village home storesgets to work on so manyincredible new homes and remodeled spaces. nowsome of our customers havewelcomed you viewers into their homes to seethe finished spaces.

the kitchen island has evolvedover the past few years. whatused to be a small eat-in area or a peninsula in akitchen design has broken's now become a work station, aserving area, even a maindining area in come cases. the kitchen island is where youprepare a meal, do your schoolwork , serve guests, and collect many of thememories you make in yourkitchen. because a kitchen island is typically located atthe very center of a designentire kitchens are now planned around like island designsare extremely poplular and even multiple islands insome spaces have become adesirable layout. there's never been a bettertime to be creative with yourown island design,

and today in this episode wehope to give you a lot of ideasfor your own space. in this episode of the villagehome show we'll will be sharinga before and after story of a remolded kitchen in orion. thiskitchen includes a large islandthat has great features from every side. later, we'llsee a three level island design plus visit a long list of otherisland examples from projectswe've recently completed. also a lighting expert willstop by to discuss the manyoptions available to light above yourkitchen island. before wewelcome our expert lets take a look at the beforestory of our first featuredkitchen. take a look of the beforephotos of this kitchen in orionillinois.

the original layout included anextension off the wall withseating. we call this extension a kitchen peninsula.the original kitchen did leavejust enough space for a small island, butslide-in range took up most ofthe usable island countertop. note the soffits above thatreflect the peninsula andisland shapes below in these before photos.those will be removed for anupdated look in the new kitchen. the kitchensink in the original layout waslocated on the main wall of cabinetry.this was also home to the sideby side refrigerator, dishwasher,coffee pot, and television. thenew kitchen new design for thisorion home needs to use thespace more resourcefully

and open it up to the nearbyrooms as well. now lets take alook at the new kitchen design including a wonderfulnew island put together by adesigner at village home stores. the original kitchen extendedout to include seating in apeninsula layout. this new layout will re l-shaped peninsula. instead a large island will becentered in the space. the kitchen sink will be movedfrom the back wall to the newisland. the island in the new kitchen design is almost fourtimes the size of the originalisland. the front facing side of theisland to the kitchen user willinclude the sink base a new dishwasher, and apull-out waste bin.

the island is now the locationof the eat-in seating area ofthe new design. comfortably seating three onthe back of this new islandthere's also a lot of space for many more to congregatearound the island. even with acrowd no one will be getting in the way of the user in themain areas of this new kitchendesign. each end of the island will become a usablespace as well. a working stackof drawers on one end and a fullheight door base cabinet on theother are each paired with a falsedoor panel. these false doorsare the sides of the front cabinets in the islanddesign. by adding a false doorin place of a smooth panel the island givesa consistent look all aroundthe design from every angle.

the back wall of the newkitchen design will beinstalled in a contrasting painted finish. this back wallwill still be home to the newrefrigerator, but it is moved to a newlocation. the tall refrigeratorand surround is balanced by a combinationwall oven and microwave on theright hand side. these frame in the new cook-topand hood area in the oldlocation of the kitchen sink. the entire kitchen willbe opened up to the front roomand nearby dining area. now these 3 rooms will becomeone cohesive space. we will take you on a full tourof this new kitchen later inthis episode, but first when we come back from a shortbreak we'll welcome lightingkeri swanberg

to tell us about some of themany you have for lightingabove the kitchen island. so stay right here for more ofthe village home show. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are we ready to go... every act of care counts. from the grand gestures to thetiniest looks. she has this long brown hair. the fun ones... the messy ones... the endless ones...

if it comes from care... it counts. because every act of care wegive, helps the people welove... become people who love. you are my sunshine, my onlysunshine you make me happy when skies are gray. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in today's episode of the village homeshow we're talking about thekitchen island and how to create

the perfect island for yourspace. the kitchen island istruly the hub of your kitchen and we want to makesure it grabs the attention andbe as functional as possible. selecting the right lightingabove your island is so key toan exceptional island plan i want to welcome lightingexpert keri swanberg to tell usa little bit about the options that we have to light above ourisland. welcome keri...hi it'sgreat to be here. well typically we put pendantlights above an island. how dowe know how many and what size they should be? surethat's a great question. ageneral rule of thumb is thatsmall pendants are hung in odd numbers while largerpendants are hung in pairs. okso two large pendants that goabove one island. how do we know ifit's a large pendant or amedium pendant?

um typically those are 10 to 15inches wide. that's a goodgeneral rule of thumb for that and what we liketo do is that typically you have some sort of showcase featurethat you want to show off foryour new kitchen. you might have a decorative hood or a windowyou want to look out and doingtwo large pendants really allows that feature to beshowcased. ok is there anythingthat you'd want to be looking for as a feature for an islandlight or maybe something toavoid? sure what's getting verypopular now is to do thoseantique edison bulbs. a lot of people really likethat look. other people don'tso much like that look you know you're looking rightinto the bulb or might get aglare off of that, so that'sjust kind

of something personal that youhave to decide for yourself.another important factor totake into is the size of your room andthe size of the island. if youhave a very small island you want to be aware of that todo smaller pendants. where isif you have a large room you might be able to get awaywith doing some largerpendants. um another thing isas you don't want to be looking directly into thefixture either. that's anotherquestion i'm sure it's commonfor you to hear where do hang thatlight in relation to where yourstanding? sure, um a general rule of thumb for that is 32 to36 inches off of yourcountertop height. now if your 6 foot tall or overyou might want to do someadjusting cause you'll still belooking into the light. ok and how do iknow if a light is going togive me enough light

for the island? sure, um a lotof what we've been doing now isswitching out those incandescent bulbs to aled bulb or a cfl bulb. those tend to give off morelight. um another thing toconsider and that i always like to recommend is to layer yourlighting. what we like to do isundercabinet lighting, have some recessedlighting as well as the lightsabove your island. we see thata lot in the kitchens that we featurehere on this show that havelayer of a whole light plan and a whole concept that'sreally at work. well wecouldn't let you leave withoutyou bringing us a few examplesto...sure...take a look at solet's take a look at what webrought here. yeah absolutely um so like we said pendants arevery popular to hang above theisland.

um that's just some examplesthere. here's a great exampleof doing two larger pendants above anisland. in this case here theyreally wanted to showcase um off the back of the islandyou have those xs and hanging those fixturesabove the xs like that really brings attention to that. yeahi see that. that's actually itdraws attention to the island and the lights that are thereas well. yes! um, here'sanother example of 2 pendants above an island. yep, in thiscase so were doing 2 pendantsover a smaller island so we kind ofwanted to pick something thatwas tall and narrow so you still get that cool chunkylook while it's not taking upyou know a lot of space.

yes and these really glow andabove the stone that theypicked out for this island they look phenomenal in's another example of doing two large pendants. um here youcan also see that they'velayered their lighting they have recessed cans, undercabinet lighting, as well asthe lights above the island. and theychose to hang these a littlebit higher off of the island just because the space was soopen and bright they reallywanted to keep that open airyfeeling. it really brings your attentionto the whole room and thatother light that hangs above that's a reallygreat light as well. this givesa little bit more of a formal look or a traditionallook. yes here we've used 2mini chandeliers

above an island. this way itallows you to get some morelight in that space as well. and this is an example that has3 lights above an island. yes, here they had the space todo 3 lights since it is alarger island. also with doing these 3 largependants it really works wellin this area because of their glass. and youcan see them. and you can seethrough them. what if you find one reallygreat light that you want to use above your island.can can that work? yesabsolutely many people just tend to fall in love witha light fixture and an islandis a great place to use that. now i really lovethis island design

paired with this specificlight. yes absolutely. so herein this island they've created aneat-in area and by hanging alarge drum this ones about 23 inches wide.they've created more of that dining/dinette experience. andabove this island shape the drum might seem large inperson, but it's just the rightsize above this size of an island. here's another classic example of doing the 3mini pendants. here thecustomers just really like that look and as you cansee they've really fallen inlove with these pendants. and there's so many types oflights that are really outthere to select from and

have you help us select theright ones. absolutely, andpendants another thing that you want tolook at is that they lookdifferent with the light onverses the lights off. here's a great example ofsomething fun that we did in a bar. we've staggeredthe height of the pendants toreally bring out that fun aspect of thesependants. it kind of plays offthe design of the light itself and also the light thatcompliments it on the very endthere. well there's really so manyoptions that are out there soit's fun to get creative withwhat's available. yes absolutely and that's why weare here to guide you. well wethank you so much keri forjoining us today. thanks it was great tobe here. yes and giving us someexamples of lighting above

kitchen island. when we comeback form this short breakwe'll show you the reveal of this finished kitchen inorion so stay tuned. the kitchen is the hub of yourhome. it's where you start your day, and get ready for thenext. your day, and get ready for thenext. what happens in between are memories made, andtraditions created. some important life momentswill happen right here at thiscounter. is your kitchen ready? letvillage home stores show youwhat your dream kitchen can look like.appliances, cabinetry,lighting, and floor covering.

from start to finish, villagehome stores, downtown geneseo. ♪ ♪ village home stores is hometo one of the most beautiful andversatile showrooms in theregion. with hundreds offixtures on display and thousandsavailable from vendors likeelk, hinkley, quorum, and kichler, our expert staffcan help you select the perfectlighting plan for you. the right lighting can impact aspace like nothing else.whether you're shopping forthat one light to change the look of your roomor an entire home of lightingwe're here to help. lighting that is on trend andfixtures that are timeless,find them all here in ourdowntown geneseo showroom. contact ourexpert lighting team for anappointment today.

this orion kitchen remodelshowcases such a wonderfulisland design that we had to include it inthis island episode. before weshow you the island in detail lets take a few looksat the other features of thisbrand new space. the main kitchen is a singlewall of cabinetry that includesmultiple heights and depths. acombination wall oven andmicrowave sits in the original refrigeratorlocation, and a counter-depthrefrigerator is located on the opposite side of the newcook-top. two taller appliances balanceperfectly on the wall. on theend of the kitchen is an appliance garage with a highlift hinge hardware. this opensup and can stay

open as you pull out a smallappliance within it. open as you pull out a smallappliance within it. the legacydoor style in a birch wood has beenpainted pearl and an umberhighlight glaze has been applied to all of the edges. in placeof a single slab of birch wood 5-piece drawer fronts wereapplied to all of the topdrawers. this gives another door and another placefor the highlight glaze tocatch in. the style of these cabinets iscalled a full overlay doorstyle. this means that the 5-piece drawer fronts wereapplied to all of the topdrawers. this a look of another door andanother place for the highlightglaze to catch in.

the style of these cabinets iscalled a full overlay doorstyle. this means that the doors and drawer frontsspread all across the frontface frame of the cabinetry leaving very little spacebetween cabinet doors anddrawers. with the kitchen now opening up into the frontroom and all of the soffits nowremoved an entire new lighting has beeninstalled. our diode lightinghas been added to the very top of the cabinets asa dramatic accent. recessedcans have been installed along themain kitchen wall for task anda second section above the island is in place above thesink as well. three pendantslights above the island offer added light to the backend of the large island. knobsand handles

in a pewter finish have beeninstalled to the main kitchenand the island. this finish is the perfectchoice to compliment thestainless appliances and standout against both the light and darkcabinet finishes. part of thedramatic look of this island is thecontrasting color to the mainkitchen cabinetry. we are often asked if thekitchen has enough room for anisland. not every kitchen can hold an island quite this largein size, but the main thing toremember is you must have enough space all around yourisland to have at least 2 usersworking. the minimum recommended spacebetween a kitchen counter andthe island counter is 36 inches. it is far morecomfortable to work with a 42to 48

inch space and we try toinclude that allowance when weare able to in each design we create. the distancefrom the bunked out cook top tothe island top here is 42 inches. so if someone isworking at the kitchen sink and even has the dishwasherdoor open, a second user cannavigate behind them with no issue. the new designremoved the peninsula and nowincludes a large island with usable storage onevery single side. measuringseven and an half feet by four feet this islandis incredible. the island back where the overhang and seatingare includes a cabinet 2 feetdeep with full height doors and a full depth shelf within.a top drawer in this cabinet

would be unusable because theisland countertop overhangingabove it. the overhanging area of thecountertop includes an archingradius above the seating. decorative turn posts on eachend of the island help give afurniture look to the entire design. each end of theisland also includes a cabinetand a finished end panel to appear like adoor. a stack of drawers onthis end and another full height door cabinet on theother. a double outlet has beeninstalled on this island end, and by using darkbrown fixtures and hardwareit's hidden from first glance. the island sidefacing the kitchen userincludes a dishwasher, sink base, and a doublepull-out trash cabinet. thekitchen sink

is a large single well styleand the faucet above includes apull out spray arm, soap dispenser pump, and a pushbutton control for the garbagedisposal. the kitchen is the hub of yourhub and with a large islandlike this to congregate around this island design is ideal forentertaining many guests. cambria quartz countertops inthe windermere design allowevery surface of the thiskitchen to become a food safe worksurface. an ogee edge profile on the counters adds a decorativetouch and helps draw your eyeto the shape of the island top and the curves of thecooktop area as well. thisremodeled orion kitchen looks incredible and weare so happy to have theopportunity to show you aroundit.

when we come back form a shortbreak we're going to show younot just one great island design, but a handful ofamazing island ideas. lots moreof the village home show right after this. ♪ ♪ maytag knows that not everyoneis a member of the clean plate club. broccoli nubs, gristlebits, onions, livers, mayta maytags not going to let thesekind of meal scraps gum up theworks. with a 4-blade stainless steelchopper and the most powerfulmotor on the market if you don't need it you can besure that maytag will chew itup for you. maytag...found at village homestores, and ♪ ♪ today we're touringkitchens that include an island in thedesign. the kitchen is the hubof all activity in your hoe throughout the day,and if your space allows it anisland can be the very heart of all that activity. themost important thing to remember as you watch this episode isthat a kitchen island isdesigned specific for you space islands are composed ofmultiple cabinets and panelsinstalled together to meet the needs inyour home. a kitchen island may be just one smooth surface,but it also might be thelocation of your kitchen sink

or cooktop. in the case thatyour kitchen sink becomeslocated in an island the dishwasher typically isinstalled right next to it. other common appliances thatwork well in an island designare microwaves and beveragecoolers. because your kitchen island canbe the very center of allactivity in your design this becomes thenatural place for people tocongregate when entertaining or preparing a meal. an areafor seating is often included in island designs. the back orfacing side of an island can be finished off in a number ofways. because islands are nowmore commonly included in kitchens that are found in agreat room setting all sides ofan island

need to look great. take a lookat a few examples. ♪ how you treat the back and endsof an island can be addressedin a number of ways. use these spaces as anopportunity to either includeor draw extra attention to your island. theback of an island can be asimple way to tie into your paint color orother material from the home tointo your kitchen design. it can also become a greatopportunity to finish off yourdesign and create a complete look withpanels and trim. paneling theback or ends of an island can bedone in many ways eachachieving a different a look and investment. lets start withthe most basic. a simple

smooth panel can be ordered ina same wooden finish as yourkitchen cabinetry. while many custom sizes areavailable much of the mostcommon looks can be achieved using standard sizes ofpaneling. the next style isinstalled with a similar application, butthe panels themselves areslightly different. a beaded or what some may calla v-grove panel can beinstalled. this not only adds style, but it canalso hide wear and tear overthe years. remember that if the back ofyour island includes anoverhang where people may beseated sometimes shoes and bar stoolscan take a toll on the woodworkover the course of a few years of use. beaded panels arealso an excellent choice if

you've selected a cabinetryfinish that includes an accentglaze or distressing. these grooves are the perfectplace for those glazes to hangup and distressed edges to be highlighted. anotherpopular choice is to add adecorative layer of paneling once it's in place.ordering matching cabinet doorsto apply to the panel can create agorgeous look and help keep aconsistent style all around your island design. yourdesigner from village homestores will help you decide the number and size ofdoors to apply to get the bestlook for the size of island in your kitchen. manytimes the placement and size ofthese doors are selected in considerationof the lighting above as wellas the seating placement

of the final design. if yourisland design is deep enoughyou may have the option of a fullyfunctioning cabinet. this is awonderful choice because youget the look of a decorative look back withadded storage for items youdon't need access to as often. custom wayne scott panels canbe ordered for your island backand sides. this is a classic look and thebest way to achieve a trulycustomized design. in place of a panel with doorsattached to it on site wayne scott panels come alreadyassembled to include the doordesign within the construction of the panel. a space on thevery bottom of your back panelis typically left for whatever baseboardyour choosing to install. thisbottom trim is also

another opportunity to finishoff your island design andcreate a furniture look. speaking of trims anddecorative moldings you cancreate all kinds of amazing looks for the back ofyour kitchen island by applyingdifferent trim to a back panel. these matching pieces of basicfiller material have beeninstalled in an x-design. this is a verypopular application as rusticwoods and even barn wood finishes have becomevery popular in bothtraditional and transitional kitchen designs. a common lookin a transitional kitchen is to install a smooth panel and thendivide the space up withmatching filler pieces. this breaks up the space butoffers a more updated lookwithout the traditional

look of doors. if the sides ofyour island are not functionalcabinets you'll need to select a styleto finish them off as well.cabinets can be ordered to arrive with an integrated endto duplicated the end of awayne scott panel. or a smooth finished end thatan applied door can be addedtoo. consider an end treatment inthe same style that yourselecting for the back of yourisland design. adding decorative elements likecarved support brackets andturn-posts can also help polish off your look. there areso many styles of turn-postsavailable and they can be installed upagainst the back panel for afurniture look or pulled forward to give the look of atable leg. your designer willhelp you select the right size

and style of a post for yourdesign. including a beveragecooler or shelving can also be awonderful choice. kitchen islands can be designed in somany different ways and offerso much to a great working kitchen design. your designerat village home stores willwork closely with you to help to decide what size,shape, and components areperfect for your project. take a look at this example ofa great island design ingeneseo illinois. not every kitchen has enoughspace for an island as large asthis, but this home in geneseoincludes an island showcasingall of the heights you candesign into your own kitchen island. astandard kitchen countertopheight

is found surrounding thisisland and that measures 36inches from the floor to the top of the countertop.the section behind it isinstalled at what the industry calls barheight. it measures 42 inchesfrom the floor to the top of the some cases if the owner ofthis kitchen is taller we may bump this up to 48inches to accommodate a morecomfortable leaning height. the jump in height fromthe counter height section tothe bar height section of this island includes manyoutlets. we often do this in anisland design and using receptacle and coverthat is similar to yourbacksplash color. it is a great way to camouflage this the entire l-shape of thisisland design

can be used for prep orentertaining. we all know youcan never have too many crock pots plugged in when friendsare over. the seating sectionof this island has a tabletop at diningheight. the bench area builtinto the island has been installed to sit atthe same height as a diningchair, and the table has been placed to fitperfectly within the kitchenisland bench design. including seating in yourisland design is always a greatidea and in this case it adds quite a bit of added seating.the usable cabinet space ofthis island faces the kitchen perimeter andit includes a lot of greatfeatures that you might like to include into your own kitchendesign. a kitchen island cansometimes

block a clear path to thekitchen sink. a common solutionto this is to add a secondary sink tothe island design. this smallbar sink is great for food prep andentertaining. the pull-outtrash is also within reach and it's easyto find for guests andresidents. my favorite feature in thiskitchen is the modification wemade to the pull-out cuttingboard above the trash. food prep just got even easierwith this cutting board. a hole has been made in theboard so that items can bediscarded directly into thetrash pulled out below. and if your kitchen isanything like mine the papertowels get just as much use as anything else.located right in the center ofall activity for

this busy kitchen is a reallyfun option. our designerreplaced the top drawer of this cabinetwith a location for a papertowel holder, and now there's one less item toclutter up the counters of thisbeautiful new kitchen. the key to any great islanddesign is the ability to use itcomfortably. a main element to that is thespace allowed surrounding yourisland. we mentioned earlier in thisepisode that at least 36 inchesof space must be allowed to create a safe passage forusers, open doors, andappliances. this recommended amount hasreally shifted to be a largerspace. 42 to 48 inches is far morecomfortable and in a kitchenwith multiple

users you'll be much happierwith this space allowance. ♪ each and every kitchen wedesign is different and thekitchen island espically so. the shape, size, and componentsof your kitchen island will be picked out perfectly for yourproject and your home. ♪ ♪ quality, it's the result ofshared values. the joy found in an honest days work. respectfor true american craftsmanship, and the need not the want toget things right. it's the result of rememberingyour roots. being foreverhumbled by how far you've traveled andforever hungry to push onfurther.

quality is a result. quality iswho we are. cambria, family owned, americanmade. as we've seen today each andevery kitchen island we design is differentin size and layout, andremember these are just a few examples of whatcan be done for your owndesign. keep in mind that wecan design a kitchen island 2 feet wide or12 it just depends what yourneeding. are you building a new home?remember that our newconstruction customers can bundle their purchasesthroughout the whole store toclaim free lighting for theirhome. this means the lights youchoose to go above your newbrand new island may be no costto you

once you've made your bundlepurchases. contact us today or visit villagehomestores.comwith any questions about thisbundle program. we carry appliances, cabinetry,countertops, lighting, andfloor covering all in one location to make theselection process easier on youwhether you're building or remodeling. our expert staffis here to help you design theperfect island and lighting for it foryour home. we thank you so muchfor joining us for this episode of thevillage home show. you can lookforward to seeing more expertinterviews, industry news, and of coursemore great kitchens from righthere in the quad city area. and speaking of industry newswe are excited to announce that

kitchenaid has launched haslaunched their new blackstainless steel series ofappliances. village home stores is one ofthe first showrooms in the areato display these models. stay tuned for more informationon black stainless and othernew finish options available in an upcoming episode. if youhave questions about anythingyou've seen here today or if you want to start theconversation about your ownproject give us a call at 309-944-1344 or email us getinspiration for your own project with us by following usonline. where you can find links to allof our social media outletsincluding pinterest,

houzz, facebook and many more. houzz, facebook and many more.your always welcome to stop byand see us at our showroom in downtowngeneseo. i've been your hostelizabeth round and i look forward to seeingyou right back here next timefor another episode of thevillage home show!

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