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this high-speed locomotive with a topspeed of 180 km/h hauls an express train on the world's fourth largest railnetwork at an average speed of 50 km/h in 2015-16, indian railways carried eightbillion passengers trains have been running in india since 1853, long before they arrived in many european countries the indian railways has 120,000kilometres of track and a route length of 67000 kilometres and yet india does not have a single kilometre of high-speed track the fastest train in india has a top speed of a mere 160 km/h
although steam locomotives providedtraction till as recently as 1995 indian railways never really lagged in terms of modernization and kept pace with the rest of the world the first diesel traction, this alco wdm-1 was introduced in 1957 india commenced planning for high speed trains as early as 1964 around the same time that japanwas building its first shinkansen lines india's quest for high speed trainsbegan in 1969 when the rajdhani express was introduced between delhi and howrah the train was introduced with a top speed of 120 km/h
and broke the then prevalent speed barrier of 100 km/h on the indian railways network the rajdhani express was originally hauled by a diesel-electric wdm 4 a.k.a . the general motors emd gt16 locomotive this 2600 horsepower loco had arated top speed of 140 km/h and until the arrival of the wap series locos, was the fastest locomotive in the country in spite of its early quest for high speedtrains institutional barriers and lethargy keptspeeds lingering between 120 and 130 km/h india has finally taken the plungefor speeds above 300 kilometers per hour and has decided to adapt the japaneseshinkansen high-speed trains
the foundation stone for high-speedshinkansen track between ahmedabad and mumbai was laid in september 2017 and the line is planned for inauguration on 15 august 2022 reports indicate that theindian railways will use standard gauge on the mumbai-ahmedabad high-speed rail corridor the adoption of standard gauge is an outcome of the myth spread by metro rail companies in india that standard gauge is more modern than broad gauge rails europe was forced to adapt standard gauge lines because
george stephenson adapted this gauge for his rocket locomotive and thousands of kilometres were rapidly laid across europe before the limitations became apparent in the indian context questions have to be asked as to what happens to indian railways' project unigauge? it also means that there will be nointeroperability between the indian railways intercity lines and the high-speed corridor across the world, high-speed trains share tracks and stations with intercity trains within the city limits this is possible because of same gauge sticking to broad-gauge would haveallowed infusion of modern rail technology to the broad gauge network of india
high-speed trains usually refer to trains with speeds in excess of 250 km/h india has already embarked on acquiring bullet trains with speeds of 350 kilometers per hour however, in this video i will discussupgrading speeds to 200 kilometers per hour on the existing broad gauge rail network of india this is the hst 125 high-speed trainbetween scotland and england the train was designed for high-speed service on the existing rail infrastructure of the uk the train is capable of hitting a top speed of 200 km/h this kind of train allows speed increases to 200 km/h without making major infrastructurechanges and therefore keeps the costs down
the interior designs of the hst cars are very similar to our own lhb cars in service in india the trains are hauled by class 43 locomotives designed by the british rail engineering limited for the high-speed intercity 125 train sets each locomotive has a maximum power of 2250 bhp and a top speed of 125 miles per hour i.e around 201 km/h these locomotives and the train sets were inherited by virgin trains to run on the east coast line connecting scotland to london the trains have been repainted in the virgin trains livery
the intercity 125 train sets which started service in 1976 will normally comprised of nine cars and two class 43 locomotives one at each end of the train, the trains were designed to operate at 125 miles per hour on existing infrastructure of british rail in terms of the hauling power, indian railways already has in service locomotives with speed potential of the hst 125 in the form of the abb designed wap-5 and the general motors emd gt4 6pac or the wdp-4 therefore high speed options are available in both electric as well as diesel traction the wap-5 locomotive has a potential top speed of 225 km/h
and the wdp-4 can haul trains at up to 180 km/h both locomotives can help the indian railways to increase intercity train speeds to the 160-200 kilometers per hour range! the gatiman express hauled by a wap-5locomotive is presently the fastest train on the indian railway network and may be a precursor for trains running at 200 km/h, the train travels the 200kilometer distance between delhi and agra at 160 km/h and reaches agra inhundred minutes in august-september 2016, the indianrailways tested the talgo 9 series cars on the delhi mumbai route of its networkwith high-speed indian locomotives
the talgo train was successfully tested atup to speeds of 180 km/h and cut down travel time between delhi and mumbai to less than 12 hours! in spite of this success, the talgo will not be suitable for indian conditions because of its small length and shorter height extensive modifications will be required on the wayside infrastructure toaccommodate these cars at 13.8 m long, the talgo cars arehalf the length of the lhb cars already in use on the indian network here is a comparison of the rolling stock from talgo and the rcf built lhb cars,
the lhb cars at 23.5 m long are almost double the length of a talgo 9 car the weights are almost similar and both rolling stock are capable of top speeds of up to 200 km/h in spite of the capabilities ofthe wap-5 and wdp-4 locomotives and the lhb cars, locomotive hauled trains are not the right option for high-speed train services the rajdhani special introduced inoctober 2016 on the delhi-mumbai route is an attempt,although not the first at having multiple unit loco power for fasteracceleration and higher speeds indeed the new train reduces travel timebetween delhi and mumbai by two hours however, this is still a locomotive hauled train
these are the kinds of multiple unit train sets that are needed for 200-plus kilometre per hour speed on the indian rail network the rajdhani special is a precursor to multiple unit lhb train sets that are currently being designed under project train 2018 these train sets are likely to be introducedby march 2018 and would be designed for speeds of 160-200 km/h running trains at 200 km/h and higher requires more than just fast locomotives and rolling stock changes have to be made to wayside infrastructure trains in most of india follow a multi-color aspect signalling
green for proceed at maximum permittedspeed, red for stop yellow for proceed with caution but be prepared to stop at the next signal the train stopping is controlled by a driver driver control works well at low speeds but can be disastrous at high speeds at high speeds relying entirely on the driver could have tragic consequences on the gatiman express route betweendelhi and agra, indian railway uses the train protection and warning system orthe tpws the tpws consists of sensors placed along the route
which communicate with the loco and monitor speed if the speed is within permissible range the tpws allows driver control however, if the speeds are above the maximum permitted speed the emergency brakes are automatically applied and the train isbrought to a halt this is how it works the hst system in the uk also employsthe tpws for safe operation of trains at 200 km/h railway switch points also affect train speeds, the indian railways has started shifting to the use of thick web switches to permit higher speeds at points however, the gap at the frog nose between the rails
still requires restricting speeds to 50 km/h to avoid derailment the railways are planning to employ swing nose points to remove the gap in the rails at points this is a prerequisite for operations at 200 plus kilometres per hour safe train operations at 200 plus kilometres per hour will also require for the tracks to be fenced off and the bridges to be strengthened along the route intercity operations of the indianrailways share tracks with slow-moving freight trains freight trains are a major barrier to increasing passenger train speeds to 200 km/h on the network however,
when the western and eastern dedicated freight corridors are commissioned in a few years several kilometres of intercity tracks willbecome available for faster passenger traffic it may not be long when suchtrains run on the broad gauge network of india