kitchen interior designs bangalore

kitchen interior designs bangalore

how is it ma’am to live in this furdo designedhouse? when we bought our home and the interior designstarted, it went on for awhile and things were happening. once it was completed, it’s totally amazing. i would like to thank sathya first becauseshe only did all the designing. helping us, saying take this ma’am, choosethis one, this will help us a lot to get this type of outcome. we are very happy with it. ok thank you ma’am.

how was it vivek, for you? i can say it was a long journey which we camethrough right, and it is really good. because i feel the outcome is really good,no doubt about that. whatever hiccups we had earlier, but yeahthe outcome is very good. so the design phase was all fine? yeah it was all fine only. how we talked about it and how we came upwith each and everything in the design part, it is really good. i think that’s the crucial part.

people would come here and monitor it allthe time. we need not come here from office. they only used to do. that was very helpful for us. the way i enter into my house, from startingtill end, i like my house. no doubt about it. each and everything, like the way it startsand comes to the living area, how we designed all these stencils and all these things, thecolors that we chose, which is complementing the neutral tone, it’sreally good, no doubt about that.

and coming to the tv panel, lot of thingswe talked about it right, like how it will be, lot of iterations we came across right,but the outcome was very good. so how’s the pooja unit? do you like it? it is very spacious, though it looks compact,it is very spacious and we can put things wherever we want, it can be kept accordingly. so regarding the stencils, that are therenear the shoe rack and the living area, so it was like we just started with the bamboostencil right, so how do you like that? it is good, no doubt about that.

it is, we found iit different. when we entered the house during the sitevisit, initial site visit, we found there were no windows. at that time itself we discussed that if weput a window here, that will reflect the light wherever it is, it will reflect the light and make the roomlook even more spacious, light, well lit and all that. so that’s the reason closer to it we hada pendant light and we had this mirror to highlight the space

we randomly told you guys that ok, this iswhat we wanted. but we didn’t know how the things wouldcome out right, but initial design and all, you guys cameup with a really nice thought about it, i think the design part and all it’s reallygood and more on that, why i actually wanted to go for furdo basically, is the qualitywhich you guys deliver. that is a good thing. the quality matters a lot because, that iswhy it will last long, quality and the service delivered. the discussion that we had today, even i,the minute i entered the house loved the furniture

and the curtains, i love how it looked overall,and the lighting, the false ceiling, everything compliments each other and i love the home. thanks a lot, thank you.

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