kitchen remodeling ideas floors

hi! this is brian and paul, the handyguys, andtoday we want to talk about flooring options. and not just any floor, but specifically whatyou might use for the kitchen. and also kind of what's new, i meanyou know wood has been around for a long, long time. traditional ceramic tiles and thingshave been around for a long time but there's some new products that are really good inthe kitchen. right. so, some people want to put wood in theirkitchen and look to wood products because
they maybe want to match the rest of theirhouse that's wood. wood is never the perfect option becauseit's susceptible to moisture and water. that's right, it can damage. so, if you want to go with wood thereare some other options you can look at bamboo. that's right. so, bamboo can come in different shades andtextures, right, and it's sustainable and it's not very expensive compared to like asolid wood floor. so brian, this bamboo flooring looksgreat but i think we have some other options in looking at materials.
we can look at some newer materialsthat hold up to moisture and water and you can still have a great-looking floor. so, one of those is vinyl and i'm not talkingabout vinyl that's been around for 30 or 40 years, i'm talking about some new generationof vinyl. like this one right here. hey brian, i think a vinyl that's beenaround this flimsy either sheet vinyl or these stick on tiles. you have you know your chair can damage thispretty easily and things like that so there are new luxury vinyl products like this andthese come in tiles and they're grouted with
a newer type of epoxy grout so it holds upreally well doesn't stain like a masonry grout does. so, this is vinyl but it looks likeslate. it has texture of slate. it has color. and there's hundreds of colors and patterns. there's another couple back there, if youwant to pull them out and show them. so, you can get it to look more like traditionaltile if you'd like. and here's another again, it looks morelike a traditional tile.
that’s right. so, it not only looks but it feels like tile. and it's thicker and stronger than thatreally thin sheet vinyl. yet, it's going to be warmer than a ceramicor a porcelain tile. so, what i like about luxury vinyl,brian, is that you if you really want something that looks like wood you can still considera vinyl, something that holds up to moisture, but get a product that is looking like wood. this can come in actual planks that are maybethree or four foot long or two foot long, different widths, and it has the texture andthe coloring of wood and will hold up like
tile. yet, it's still vinyl. it's still vinyl. it's going to hold up to the water andto the moisture. so, now this can be damaged. you drop a heavy knife into this it'sgoing to stick, right, just like it would stick in the wood. it's not going to damage a ceramictile, for example. so brian, what about that other productthat some people confuse with vinyl, what
we your grandmother used to have, and it wascalled linoleum. linoleum. so, grab some of that. so, linoleum is a product that's made outof wood flour and linseed oil. it's been around for a 100 years. and, it's available in some pretty outrageouscolors, like they're showing here, but also some muted colors if that's what you want. so, you typically get this in sheetslike vinyl in the old days but it's very thick. the color runs through it.
and, it's very durable. and, you can also get this in, you know, do-it-yourself click-lock products and stuff like that. it's going to be more expensive thanluxury vinyl tile. but, you can mix and match colors anddo all kinds of patterns, if you want. and, it needs a professional installationand it can be expensive. so, and it has the same problems really,you know, sharp objects. the good thing is the color runs throughit, but still it's something you have to maintain like any other floor. paul: so, what about old fashioned tile?
ceramic tiles been around a long time. sure, so you could take something likethis. here is a porcelain tile, paul, andthis porcelain tile, again, like the luxury vinyl, is available in wood planks. so, it's a lot different from what ithink of as a traditional ceramic tile. it's, obviously, it's porcelain. it's a little denser. a little harder. and, some of this can even be used outside.
check the ratings, but it could be. yeah, so this actually, like you said,has some feel to it like a wood product would. yet, obviously, it's not going to besusceptible to moisture like wood. it's going to be a little colder underfootin the kitchen. you know maybe in the winter in the morningbut it's going to hold up better than vinyl of any type. great. so, we have some options here. if you want wood, you can do wood.
you can look at engineered flooring. you can look at bamboo like we showed you. but, if you really want a flooring that'llhold up well to moisture you can still go with vinyl but you have some great options. you have your luxury vinyl, like wehave here, and you have your linoleum and we have tile. but, tile is becoming so much more aggressivein its looks and features. if you want tile, it looks like wood,you can do it with porcelain tile, like we have here.
so, there you have it. thanks for watching the handyguys. thanks.