kitchen interior design vastu

kitchen interior design vastu

now i would like to talk about a very importantelement in the bedroom which is placement of the bed. so bed in feng shui should beplaced in so called power position. so what it means is you have a solid wall behind you,not a window. so and you are in a view of a door. door is right there. so you are sortof diagonally from the door. so it wouldn't be good if you have door right across thebed so sleeping with your feet pointing out the door is not good idea. so also as i mentionedyou don't really want to have the window behind. you don't want, imagine if your entrance toa bedroom is right here, so you don't really want to sleep too close with your head tothat entry. if you really need to do that and there is no other way, you can place yourbed, i would suggest to put some, to buffer

your head, to put some plant, lamp or anythingelse. and another thing you don't really want to sleep with a view of a toilet so if thereis a toilet somewhere so just close that door.

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